All Who Wander with Anne Taylor Hartzell

Andy + Exploring the World by Bike

Episode Summary

How Andy Levine, the founder and CEO of Duvine Cycling and Adventure Company, found his way from hitchhiking across the Swiss Alps to creating a 30 year old business helping travelers experience, local culture while being healthy and enjoying great food and wine in stunning locations. He emphasizes the importance of taking chances, trusting the process, and being open to new experiences. Andy also shares his favorite places to bike around the world and the impact of travel on building connections and relationships with people around the world.

Episode Notes

In 1992, Andy grabbed his bike and headed to Burgundy, France in search of riding his bike and drinking great wine, and Duvine was born. How Andy Levine, the founder and CEO of Duvine Cycling and Adventure Company, found his way from a trip from Boston to Burgundy with his bike in 1992, hitchhiking across the Swiss Alps, to creating a 30 year old business helping travelers experience, local culture while being healthy and enjoying great food and wine in stunning locations. Andy and his team design and lead luxury bike trips to the world's most amazing places. 

This is Andy's Story.

Learn more about Duvine + book a trip. 

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